
“You might be temporary in their lives; they might be temporary in yours. But there is nothing temporary about the love or the lesson.” - Tonia Christle.

Why foster?

Fostering a greyhound is anexcellent way to welcome a lovable companion into your home without the long-term commitment of adoption. At Paws on the Mountain-Greyhound Adoption,we understand that not everyone is ready to adopt a greyhound, and that's where fostering comes in. When providing a temporary home for these gentle animals, you'll experience the joys of having a greyhound in your life while helping them transition from a track life to a loving family environment. Watching their unique i personalities blossom as they adjust to their new surroundings is incredibly rewarding, and you'll quickly discover their playfulness and loving cuddles.

Fostering is a joy for you and an important support for greyhounds. Many of these dogs are adjusting to life off-track and need a safe, supporting ervironment: to learn new routines and social skills. By fostering, you help them adapt to family life, improving their chances of finding a forever home. Plus, the experience of fostering helps you to understand a greyhound's needs & unique quirks, making you avaluable resource for potential adopters. If you're not ready to adopt but want to make a meaningful impact, consideropening your heart and home to afoster dog. You'll be and care fora de serving hound while enjoying watching them blossom ins avery special loving companion

Please contact Denise for more information

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